Hotel Alpha 1.1 updates/bug fixes

bug fixes (booooring part)

- the left bookshelf order issue is now finally fixed, i thought i got it in the previous update but i didnt

- i forgot to remove a 'debug' feature that set your room to 95. its now gone haha

- i forgot to remove a 'debug' feature that sets all 3 of the power values to 100. its now gona again hihi

- i removed the front plants in the dark room to prevent overlapping with the right bookshelf

- you can now die to stare

- increased the disapear range of the hatman

- made it unable to buy things when the shop isnt open

updates (cool part)

- i changed the sight of smile, so basically when he moves to the bookshelves he can only see whats before him, the same applies  with him moving towards the door, this gives you the possibility to get really close to him and removes any 'unfair' deaths when stealthing right behind him

- i made a new cover image (again), there is nothing hidden in this image ;)

- added a badge for completing the game

- and some few minor details that are not worth listing


Hotel Alpha 1.1 84 MB
Nov 01, 2022

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